Is it permissible for women to go to the masaajid and the [Islaamic] study lessons (circles)?
Category: Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan
He is impotent and wants to get married without mentioning anything about it
If a man is impotent, is it permissible for him to get married without mentioning this defect, as he has been advised that this problem will pass after marriage?
The menstruating woman entering the masjid
What is the ruling regarding a menstruating woman entering the masjid, and likewise al-Masjid al-Haraam [in Makkah]?
Replying to the greeting “السلام عليكم” of the woman on the telephone
Is there any legal prohibition in replying to the greeting of the woman on the telephone or in any other [circumstance], or [her] replying to the greeting of the man on the telephone?
Urinating whilst standing-1
Is it permissible for a person to urinate whilst standing, and what is the ruling regarding this?
Taking a book or newspaper to read in the toilet
When I need to go to the toilet [to answer the call of nature] – may Allaah honour you [O Shaykh] – I take with me a book or newspaper [to read] whilst I am in there.
Using newspapers as eating mats and spreads
What is the ruling regarding eating and drinking from daily newspapers and [in particular] those who use them as [eating] mats and spreads for their food…
Seeking financial gain by performing Hajj Badal on behalf of someone else
Is it permissible for a person to perform the obligation of the Hajj on behalf of someone else who is financially and physically able [to perform the Hajj himself] in exchange for money?
Praying on a raised area such as a bed
Is it permissible to perform the prayer on an area/place raised from the ground such as a bed or the like if a person had doubt about the purity (cleanliness) of the ground…
Undergoing plastic surgery
What is the ruling regarding undergoing plastic surgery?