Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Take care of your children. Your profitable ‘trade’ [with Allaah] is undoubtedly your children. If you nurture them [well], and [with] good guidance for them, then they are your real ‘trade’ with Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala). And they are the ones who [will] pray for you […]
Category: Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan
Exchanging congratulatory messages and good wishes at Christmas
With the advent of this calendar month begin the Christmas celebrations and festivals of the Christians. [So] what is the ruling regarding participating in their celebrations – either taking part or attending them, or exchanging gifts or congratulatory messages [and good wishes]?
Loving and hating for the Sake of Allaah
What is the meaning of love for the Sake of Allaah, and hate for the Sake of Allaah?
Terminating a pregnancy before forty days
What is the ruling of having an abortion before forty days due to psychological and social circumstances, particularly if she fears divorce from her husband [at any time] in the future?
The meaning and conditions of repentance
[Please] talk to us about at-towbah (repentance), and what its conditions are; and what is the [true] meaning of at-towbah an-nasooh?
Spreading marital secrets
[What is] the ruling regarding spreading marital secrets, and talking to his friends about that which occurs between the husband and wife; very often he talks about things which a person would be shy to mention?
Persistently breaking wind
[O] Noble Shaykh, [regarding] someone who is afflicted with the persistent passing of wind, how should he pray?
The prayer of the one suffering from bowel problems and wind
[Regarding] the one suffering from bowel problems and [also] the one who has wind problems – does the ruling of the one suffering from incontinence apply to them [too], that they must renew their wudhoo for every prayer?
Leaving off performing the voluntary prayer whilst travelling
Should the traveller whose stay will be less than four days, completely leave off performing the voluntary prayer?
Upholding your duty towards your children
Is the corruption of children [through poor nurturing considered as] a tribulation?