Whilst praying, is it permissible for him to close his eyes, because it helps him to concentrate more when doing so?
Category: Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan
Sitting during the prayer without a genuine reason
Some people who are capable of standing [during the prayer, choose instead to] sit during the second rak’ah of the Fajr prayer until the imaam is about to bow [into rukoo’], so he bows along with the imaam. So is his prayer correct?
Carrying a small child during prayer
What is the ruling regarding carrying an infant during the salaah, and particularly when it has soiled itself?
Forgot to make the intention before prayer
Whilst in mid-prayer, if he remembered [not having made] the intention, is it sufficient that he then makes the intention whilst he is praying?
Whilst praying voluntary prayer, the iqaamah is called
…and you mentioned that the [voluntary] prayer must be terminated; so how do you terminate it, would it be by the tasleem?
Verbalising the intention
Some [people] infer that it is permissible to verbalise the intention [using as evidence] the Prophet’s ﷺ words “I am fasting” – when he did not find anything to eat?
Prayer in the bedroom where there is an adjoining bathroom
It is popular in new builds to have the bathroom inside the bedroom; so is it then permissible to pray in the bedroom?
Prayed having forgotten he was in a state of janaabah
If a man was in a state of major ritual impurity (janaabah), and began praying having forgotten he was in a state of janaabah, and then remembered whilst he was in prayer, what should he [now] do?
Praying in an airplane
How should the obligatory prayer be performed in an airplane, bearing in mind at the time of prayer it [could] turn in its direction?
Praying in places for committing sins
Is it permissible to pray in places where it is known that they are places for committing sins?