What are the deeds by which children can honour their parents after they have died?
Category: Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan
What is required of the Muslims
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: This questioner asks, what is your advice to the Muslims in light of these conditions in which [the Muslims reside in] Palestine, and what action should the Muslims take? Response: The action that the Muslims are required to take with [respect to] their oppressed and persecuted brothers [and […]
Our obligation towards the Palestinians
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: There are numerous questions which have come, asking about our position on what is happening to our brothers in Palestine, and what is our duty towards them? Response: You are obligated to [help] as much as you can in terms of helping with [donations of] money and prayer. […]
Aiding our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine
[There are] numerous questions which have come, asking about the position of the Muslim…
Asking different scholars for a fatwa regarding the same issue
Is it from the methodology of the Salaf to seek a fatwa from a scholar regarding an issue, [and] then go to another [scholar] and seek a fatwa [about the same issue] from him, and so on?
Our obligation towards al-Masjid al-Aqsa
What is the role of the scholars, and the callers [to Islaam], and those giving sermons towards what al-Masjid al-Aqsa is being subjected to in the attempts to desecrate, or perhaps demolish it?
I am a housewife
“I am a housewife, and don’t [go out to] work. And most of my time is spent with my children, looking after them, and at the service of my husband. And [whilst] I am in the kitchen, I listen to the [recitation of the] Qur.aan; so am I rewarded for [any of] that?”
Died at a young age and had not done hajj or ‘umrah
My brother died at the age of 35, and he had not performed hajj. Should I perform ‘umrah or hajj on his behalf – even though he had not done so?
Earthquakes are increasing
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Earthquakes are increasing [in frequency]. [And] زَلَازِل is the plural of زِلْزَال – and refuge is sought in Allaah [from their harm]. And it is the movement of the earth. Allaah has made the earth a firm abode, and has anchored it with mountains so […]
Sincere advice to a father who does not pray
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: And also, his father does not pray, and when he advises him, he says: “I know more than you.” So what do you advise I do with him? Response: You mean he does not even know about salaah?! He [claims] he knows more than him, and [yet he] does […]