A girl reached the age of 12 or 13 years and the blessed month of Ramadhaan passed without her having fasted. Is there any sin upon her or her family? Is it upon her to fast and if she doesn’t then is she sinning?
Category: The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research & Verdicts
Awoke, and half-asleep ate some food, then realised that Fajr had already started
So, at that time I stopped eating and began fasting. Knowing I had eaten three or four spoonfuls, do I have to make up this fast or not, O Shaykh?
Assumed the use of the miswaak had broken his fast
A man used the miswaak whilst fasting and then assumed that this had broken his fast, so [because of this], he drank and ate afterwards. So, is it obligatory upon him to make up this fast and offer an expiation or [is it sufficient] just to make up the fast?
Awoke, and half-asleep drank some water, but don’t remember at what time
I was half-asleep but, as for the actual act of drinking, then I am sure about that. So, do I make this fast up or not, O Shaykh?
Making up a fast of Ramadhaan on a Friday
If a person had one fast from Ramadhaan to make up, is it permissible for him to fast on a Friday?
Establishing the beginning and ending of Ramadhaan by sighting the moon
Is it permissible for a Muslim to rely upon astronomical calculations in order to establish the beginning and ending of fasting or is it a must that the new moon is seen?
Did not make up days missed in Ramadhaan throughout her menstrual years
An old lady of sixty years of age was ignorant concerning the rulings of menstruation for many years. Throughout her menstrual years, she did not make up the days missed in Ramadhaan thinking they did not have to be made up.
Pregnant wife unable to make up days remaining from Ramadhaan
In the year 1409AH (1988), my wife did not fast for fourteen days due to her menses. Afterwards, she was able to fast for seven days and she had seven days left [to make up]. Now, she is six months pregnant.
Excretion of thick and sticky liquid after urinating
Does the excretion of this liquid affect my fast and does it require me to make the ritual purification (ghusl)?
Using eye drops whilst fasting
Is it permissible to use eye drops during the day in Ramadhaan?