Is adhering to and following one of the [four] madh.habs (schools of Islaamic jurisprudence) considered to be extreme?
Category: Scholars
Being observant of Allaah at all times
Many people habituate their child[ren] to keep away from undesirable things by using the word[s] ‘[That’s] shameful; don’t let the people see you [do that]. You’re letting the people see you [do that]’.
Supplicating between the Adhaan and the Iqaamah
The questioner says is it correct that the supplication and the seeking of forgiveness between the adhaan and the iqaamah is better than reading the Qur.aan?
Origin of the book al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhee
The origin of [the book] al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhee [الملخص الفقهي] were lessons I delivered on the radio…
Greeting one another with “Jumu’ah Mubaarakah” every Friday
What is the ruling regarding the Muslim saying to a[nother] Muslim ‘Jumu’ah Mubaarakah’ every Friday via mobile phone messages, or on [online] discussion forums?
What distinguishes beneficial knowledge from other righteous deeds
However, beneficial knowledge continues and does not cease; its benefit continues, and [likewise] the reward for the one who conveyed it…
Hold firm to the Sunnah wherever you may be
Is it permissible for the one who lives in Europe to shorten the beard, if [maintaining] the beard causes him problems in finding work?
How to advise my father who does not pray
Also, his father does not pray, and says when I advise him, he replies “I know more than you”; So what do you advise that I do?
The father of the Prophet ﷺ is in the Fire
And [the question] is, we have people who say that ‘Abdullaah, rather, the father of Muhammad ﷺ – he is [destined] for the Fire; And [there are] people who say no, rather he is [destined] for Paradise because he is the father of the Prophet. [Please] benefit us [with a response and] may Allaah reward you with good.
Giving charity to a relative who does not pray
What is the ruling regarding giving charity to one who does not pray, bearing in mind he is a relative?