When the traveller who is fasting reaches Makkah, should he break his fast so as to have the strength to perform the ‘umrah?
Category: Scholars
Peptic ulcers and may be unable to fast
This year, by the Will of Allaah, I am determined to fast [for the duration of the month of] Ramadhaan, however, if I am unable, then what is required of me in this case?
Sick and bedridden, and unable to fast
An elderly woman of 85 years of age, is sick and bedridden and cannot stand – not even to use the bathroom. The question: Is salaah and fasting obligatory upon her? Please advise us and may Allaah reward you with good.
Heart condition and unable to fast
I inform your eminence that I am a man of 80 years of age, and I am afflicted by an illness of the arteries and the heart.
Paralysed and unable to fast
Concerning an elderly man, stricken with paralysis in half his body, and unable to fast; If he fasts, then his sickness worsens.
Hemiplegia, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart condition
My mother is between 85 and 90 years of age, and has been afflicted with hemiplegia of the left side along with high blood pressure, diabetes and a heart condition. All this is based upon the doctor’s report.
The diabetic during Ramadhaan
I have a wife who is approximately 85 years of age; She is a Muslimah and in shaa.-Allaah she is from among the good people. During the latter years of her life, she has been afflicted with diabetes and has reached such a state of weakness that she has to be hospitalised and becomes unconscious, and sometimes when she is at home.
When the elderly are not obligated to fast
When are the elderly not obligated to fast during Ramadhaan?
The fast of the one who becomes senile during the day
What if during the day while he was sane and was fasting, he then became senile?
Ramadhaan and children under fifteen
Are children under the age of fifteen who have not attained puberty ordered to fast as is the case with the [obligatory] prayers?