If a man had sexual intercourse with his wife, and was ignorant [of it’s prohibition whilst fasting], does he [still] have to make an expiation?
Category: Scholars
Intentionally broke fast and then had sexual intercourse
Regarding a man who intentionally broke his fast in Ramadhaan, then had sexual intercourse [with his wife]. Is he required to make up [the fast] in addition to making an expiation, or is he just required to make up [the fast] without making an expiation?
Traveller returned home in Ramadhaan during the day and wants to have sexual intercourse with wife
A man returned home from a journey and had not been fasting [due to his travels, so he] decided [now he was at home] to fast [the rest of the remaining day]. He then found his wife taking a bath [since she had] completed her menses; Is it permissible for him to have sexual intercourse with her in this case or should they both assume the fast for the [remainder of the] day?
Had ghusl before adhaan of Fajr
If a woman purified herself in Ramadhaan before the adhaan of Fajr, is she required to fast?
Began menses at 11, but is unfit to fast
A young girl began her menses when she was [just] eleven years old. Is she required to fast, bearing in mind that she is not well and in an unfit state to fast, so what is required of her?
Fasted the whole day and saw three drops of menses blood
Does the passing of wind (flatulence) from a male and female necessitate washing the affected area with water? And what is required of the woman from whom three drops of blood came out at the expected time of the onset of her menses whilst she is fasting and then stopped?
Fasted the whole day and menses started just before sunset
A woman fasted and at sunset, just before the adhaan, her menses came. So does that invalidate her fast?
Intentionally travelling so as not to fast during Ramadhaan
What is the ruling regarding travelling in Ramadhaan for the purpose of not having to fast, and we want to know how that is?
Long distance truck drivers
How and when are truck drivers who drive long distances to fast?
Long distance taxi driver
Does the ruling of the traveller apply to drivers of cars and buses who continuously work during the day in Ramadhaan?