Is it permissible to make up missed fasts of Ramadhaan on Thursday and Friday or not?
Category: Scholars
Splitting up fasts to be made up from last Ramadhaan
A man has fasts from Ramadhaan to make up, [so] is it permissible for him to split the fasts up [rather than fast them all consecutively]?
Re-enters the fold of Islaam during Ramadhaan after apostating
A Muslim apostated and then during the day on the 15th of Ramadhaan he repented [and re-entered the fold of Islaam]. Is he required to make up what has passed [of the missed fasts]?
Fasting the six fasts of Shawwaal for six fasts missed in Ramadhaan
If I fasted six days in Shawwaal to make up for six days I missed in Ramadhaan, is this [also] enough (acceptable) as the fasting of six [days] of Shawwaal?
Fasting the day of ‘Eed knowing its prohibition
What is the ruling regarding the person who fasts the day of ‘Eed despite knowing it is the day of ‘Eed?
Transferring the Zakaatul-Fitr overseas
What is the ruling regarding transferring the Zakaatul-Fitr overseas, with the justification there are a lot of poor and needy [Muslims over there]?
Extracting the Zakaatul-Fitr during the first ten days of Ramadhaan
[What is the ruling] regarding extracting the Zakaatul-Fitr during the first ten days of Ramadhaan?
Using an asthma inhaler whilst fasting
Does the use of an asthma inhaler break the fast?
Broke fast whilst cloudy thinking sun had set
If the sky was cloudy and the mu.adhdhin called the adhaan and [then] some of the people broke their fast based upon [hearing] the adhaan, and after breaking the fast it became apparent that the sun had not set, what is the ruling regarding the fast in this situation?
Had intercourse with wife on first day of Ramadhaan
Regarding a man who had sexual intercourse with his wife on the first day of Ramadhaan, but did not know that was the first day of Ramadhaan?