If a woman made the intention to fast the 9th and 10th [days] of Muharram, and was then prevented from doing so due to [the onset of] her menses, will she be rewarded for her intention?
Category: Scholars
Latecomer takes a child’s place in line
If a young child is standing in line [for the prayer], is it permissible for whoever arrives late to move him to the back or should he stand in line beside him? If it is not permissible to move him back, what is the ruling if he is then unable to perform the prayer properly?
Addressing the imaam whilst in prayer
If the imaam goes into the rukoo’ position before me, is it permissible for me to say ‘Subhaa-nAllaah’ so as to alert him to wait for me or [even] say ‘Indeed. Allaah is with those who are patient’ so that he waits for me or should I not do any of the above?
Saying [صدق الله العظيم] after reading the Qur.aan
He says we should say [صدق الله العظيم] after reading the Qur.aan.
The meaning of sincerity
What is the meaning of ‘ikhlaas’ (sincerity), and what is the ruling if the worshipper intends [for] something other [than Allaah] with his worship?
Working with someone whose sustenance is from prohibited wealth
What is the ruling about working with someone whose sustenance is from prohibited wealth? And what is the ruling of eating [from the provision] of this person at gatherings?
Using the telephone at work for personal calls
What is the ruling about the one who took something from his [place of] work – whether it was a little or alot; and likewise, using the work telephone [for personal calls]?
He missed the ‘Eed prayer
If a person misses the ‘Eed prayer, then he should make up for it in its [known] manner.
The excellence of offering the sacrifice in Makkah
Does the slaughter of the sacrifice in Makkah have any excellence attached to it, than doing so outside of Makkah?
Anaasheed which resemble songs
Eminent Shaykh, what is the ruling regarding listening to anaasheed which resemble songs?