After performing wudhoo, [he has noticed] drops of urine pass – [and this is] before leaving for the masjid.
Category: Scholars
When to make the intention for the voluntary fast
Is it necessary to make the intention the night before to fast a voluntary fast [the following day]?
Funeral prayer for the one who has committed suicide
What is the ruling about offering the [funeral] prayer for the one who has committed suicide?
The ruling regarding hajj without a permit
What is the ruling regarding [performing] hajj without a [government-issue] permit; there are some [hajj services] groups which don’t have a [government-issue] permit – and they take along with them pilgrims who [also] don’t have a [government-issue] permit. Is such a hajj considered correct? And are these people liable for sin when they fulfill an obligation in this manner?
Fulfilling a dying man’s request to be buried in a different city
When a man dies in a [particular] city, and had requested [upon death] he be buried in different city, then is it obligatory to fulfill his [dying] request?
Donating body parts
Is [this] permissible – [that] someone who says he wants to donate a body part, and in return receive a monetary payment – is this permissible [to do]?
Digging open a grave out of necessity
If there is a [genuine] need to do so, is it permissible to dig open the grave of someone who was only buried some days ago?
The excellence of the Rowdhah
What is the excellence of the Rowdhah [inside al-Masjid an-Nabawee] – has anything [authentically] been reported about it?
Reading the Qur.aan without meaning
Will the one who reads the Qur.aan – yet does not know its meaning be rewarded?
Intended to fast but couldn’t
If a woman made the intention to fast the 9th and 10th [days] of Muharram, and was then prevented from doing so due to [the onset of] her menses, will she be rewarded for her intention?