What is the ruling of wearing trousers, jeans, tracksuits and [neck] ties? And is wearing them considered resembling [the disbelievers]?
Category: Scholars
Accepting the wedding invitation of the Rawaafidh and eating their meat
What is the ruling regarding accepting the wedding invitation of the Rawaafidh (Shee’ah)? And is their meat halaal for us?
Reading Soorah YaaSeen over the deceased
What is the ruling of reading Soorah YaaSeen over the deceased after his burial?
The Nusayriyyah and ‘Alawiyyah
We hear a lot about a group called Nusayriyyah and ‘Alawiyyah – so who are they, and why are they called so?
The manner of purification whilst sick
Reference: http://www.alfawzan.af.org.sa/node/15745 Question: How should the one who is ill purify himself if he is unable to use water on some or all the required parts of the body for wudhoo? Response: Yes, if he is unable to use water on all the parts of the body required for wudhoo, then he should do tayammum […]
A child leading the congregation in prayer
Is it permissible for a young child to lead the prayer?
The congregational takbeer
Regarding [pronouncing] the takbeer in the masaajid, should one of the people make the takbeer and [the rest of] the people [follow by] making the takbeer after him?
Leaving for the ‘Eed prayer
[On the day of ‘Eed] is it from the Sunnah to go to the place of prayer on foot, or by transport?
Before leaving for the ‘Eed prayer
What is the Sunnah for a person [to do] before [leaving for] the [‘Eed] prayer on ‘Eed al-Fitr and ‘Eed al-Adh.haa?
Engage in dhikr before praying the Sunnah prayer
I read [somewhere] that engaging in dhikr audibly after the obligatory prayer is a Sunnah; so what is the guiding rule regarding raising the voice [when doing so] since sometimes this causes inconvenience to those who are engaged in praying the Sunnah prayer?