What is the Sharee’ah ruling in your opinion regarding life insurance?
Category: Scholars
Don’t rejoice at people’s praise for you
Don’t rejoice at people’s praise for you, rather ask Allaah if indeed this is true that He increases you from His Bounty…
Raising the hand when greeting at a distance
If a Muslim extends the [greeting of] salaam [‘alaykum] to his [Muslim] brother with a sign [with his hand] – whilst moving his lips, should the response [to him] be with the right or left hand if he is at a distance?
Dishonestly taking something
He received compensation from the government amounting to 4,000 Riyals – and claimed it using a forged document in compensation for flood [damage]; So [now] he says, “what should I do with this sum of money which I have dishonestly [claimed and subsequently] received?”
Lightening the eyebrows
My sister lightens her eyebrows, as well as her face, so what is the ruling regarding that?
Wiping over the socks after the prescribed period has passed
What is the ruling regarding the one who wipes over his socks after the [prescribed] period has passed, and thereafter prays (salaah)?
Council of Senior Scholars: Terrorists are not sanctioned by Islam
Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body also condemned the coordinated assault by gunmen and bombers that killed 128 people across Paris as contrary to Islamic values. “Terrorists are not sanctioned by Islam and these acts are contrary to values of mercy it brought to the world,” said a statement by the Council of Senior Scholars carried by the Saudi Press Agency.
Grand Mufti tells youth not to be misled
Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Asheikh has warned Saudi youth against falling prey to mischief makers and their deviant agendas.
The prayer of the husband and wife
What is the Sunnah when it comes to the wife praying with her husband? Should she stand in line next to her husband, or behind him?
The manner of doing tayammum
What is the manner of [doing] tayammum?