A traveller arrived [in town] and found the [local] people praying [the] ‘asr [prayer]; they had [already] prayed two rak’ahs, [so] he joined them for the [final] two rak’ahs. [Considering he is a traveller, should he suffice with just praying these two rak’ahs with them or] should he complete the prayer [by praying all four rak’ahs]?
Category: Scholars
Praying the sunnah prayer whilst sitting down
I have noticed many [Muslims] from India praying the sunnah [units of prayer] whilst sitting down – despite their good health [and ability to do so standing]. So is praying the sunnah prayer whilst standing better than praying it whilst sitting down for the one who is in good health?
The woman and the jumu’ah prayer
Also, she says: regarding the jumu’ah prayer for the woman, how many rak’ahs should she pray in her home?
Mentioning Allaah whilst in the toilet and bathroom
Is it permissible for a person to mention Allaah in the toilet, and a bathroom in which he relieves himself; for example, by saying ‘subhaa-nAllaah’ and ‘astagh-firullaah’ whilst he is [actually] seated on the toilet?
Praying the night prayer
Before [praying] the Witr [prayer], he prays two rak’ahs and recites what he is able to of the Qur.aan; [so] is this considered [to be] the night prayer?
Touching and seeking blessings from the kiswah
Touching and seeking blessings from the cover of the Ka’bah (kiswah) is an innovation
Supplicating during rainfall
Is it legislated to supplicate [to Allaah] during rainfall; did the Prophet ﷺ or his companions do so?
Prostatic fluid
Regarding the excretion of prostatic fluid from the male, is he [then] considered to be in a state of janaabah?
The manner of breaking the fast
An oft neglected Sunnah when breaking the fast…
Beware of being deluded and self-amazed by the people’s praise
Beware of being deluded and self-amazed by the people’s praise of you for that which you are not…