Is frequently performing the ‘umrah something which has been legislated?
Category: Scholars
The cure for jealousy
What is the cure for jealousy?
Praying behind an imaam who is an innovator
Is it correct that the one who does not pray the congregational prayer because the imaam is an innovator – is himself an innovator, bearing in mind the imaam’s bid’ah is not one of disbelief?
Praying having forgotten to do wudhoo
I forgetfully prayed without [being in the state of] wudhoo, and after I finished [my prayer] I remembered; so am I required to repeat the prayer?
Invites others to do good, but does not do himself
If a caller [to Islaam] invites [someone] to [do] something which he is unable to do himself – even after having tried – but finds the one he is inviting will be able to do it, should he [still] invite him to do it?
Signposts reminding others to do good
[What is your opinion] regarding the one who commissions a signpost [to be made] with the [words of] remembrance ‘laa ilaaha il-Allaah’ and ‘subhaa-nAllaah’ [on it], and then erects it on the Qaseem to Riyadh motorway?
Safeguarding the prayer in congregation
From the greatest righteous acts by which men can draw near to Allaah, is to safeguard the[ir] prayer in congregation.
Listening to Islaamic anaasheed
[Regarding] Islaamic cassettes (recordings) which have anaasheed on them, we find some have musical compositions which resemble songs; so what is the ruling regarding that?
Aiding the Muslims around the world
[What is the ruling regarding] aiding the Muslims living in foreign lands? Some say ‘there are particular groups [amongst them] who are upon bid’ah, and [so] money should not be given to them’; so what is the guiding principle [in this matter]?
Paying a deposit when buying goods
[What is] the ruling regarding selling [goods on the basis of] a deposit (down-payment)?