Is it permissible for a young woman to remove the hair which is on her hands, because they are abnormally long and affect the woman’s beauty?
Category: Scholars
Changing your name upon embracing Islaam
Is the new Muslim required to change his name?
Taking a bath upon embracing Islaam
What is the ruling about he who recently embraced Islaam taking a bath? And is taking a bath a condition for the prayer, or is wudhoo [alone] sufficient?
Praying in other than the direction of the qiblah
What is the ruling [in a situation] where it has become apparent the prayer was performed in other than the direction of the qiblah – after having made ijtihaad? And is there a difference between whether this was in a Muslim country or not?
Artificial insemination
I [would like to] ask [you] about the ruling regarding artificial insemination, where a man does not have children, and the doctor has informed him his sperm count is low, and this will necessitate medically impregnating the womb of his wife with his sperm.
The first of Allaah’s Creation
Is it permissible for a Muslim to say ‘O the first of Allaah’s Creation’ – in praise of [the Prophet] Muhammad ﷺ?
Qualities of the scholar performing ruqyah
Is it permissible to take a woman afflicted with black magic to one of the scholars to recite upon her?
Seeking protection
What is your opinion regarding a woman who leaves a copy of the Qur.aan beside her young child, intending by doing so his protection from the jinn whilst she is busy and he is alone?
The ruling regarding alcohol
According to the majority of the scholars, the ruling regarding alcohol is that it is impure; this is based upon His (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) saying…
The prayer of the sick
Many of those who are sick pray on their beds, as they are unable to move; so [as a result] they pray without wudhoo. And there are amongst them those who pray in other than the direction of the qiblah, [so] what is the ruling regarding the prayer of these sick people?