In your opinion, what is the legal ruling regarding wearing a ring with the name of Allaah engraved on it? And what is the ruling regarding wearing a metal ring?
Category: Scholars
Wearing a ring
O noble Shaykh, what is the correct approach to wearing a ring?
Wearing a watch on the left hand
In your opinion, what is the ruling about wearing a watch on the left wrist; is there any harm [in doing so]?
Wearing clothing with images on them
Is it permissible to wear clothes which have images printed on them, such as fish and birds?
Wearing fake eyelashes
What is the ruling regarding [a woman] wearing fake eyelashes to beautify herself for her husband?
Using coloured contact lenses
What is the ruling regarding using coloured contact lenses for beautification?
Trimming the nails
What is the ruling regarding women letting their nails grow long, and is that permissible?
Leaving nails to grow long
What is the ruling regarding women leaving their nails to grow long; is that permissible?
Skin-whitening creams
What is the ruling regarding skin-whitening creams? Is there any harm in women using them?
Plucking facial hair
Is plucking hair from the face without [plucking] the eyebrows impermissible?