What is the ruling regarding the one who did not make up the missed fasts of Ramadhaan until the arrival of the following Ramadhaan, whilst he did not have a[n Islaamically valid] reason? Is it sufficient for him to repent [to Allaah] in addition to making up [the missed fasts] or is he [also] required to make an expiation (kaffaarah)?
Category: Scholars
Best days for voluntary fasting and best months for discharging Zakaah
What are the best days for voluntary fasting and the best months for discharging the Zakaah?
Expiation for breaking fast intentionally
What is the expiation for a man who intentionally broke his fast during Ramadhaan without an Islaamically valid reason?
Fasting the day of doubt
What is the day of doubt and is it permissible to fast on that day?
Doctor advised her not to fast in Ramadhaan
The questioner says she had an operation on her throat and the doctor advised her not to fast the month of Ramadhaan. So is she required to make an expiation or [just] make up [the missed fasts]?
Throwing away leftover food
What is the ruling regarding throwing away leftover food and drink?
On hunger strike to rid himself of oppression
We hear a lot in the news and read the newspapers about people going on hunger strike in protest against some laws, and in general, these people are not prisoners. So what is the ruling regarding those who die whilst on hunger strike?
Sincerely repenting to Allaah
She was pregnant for [about] a month and a half, and then aborted the pregnancy – unaware of the ruling regarding that; after she learnt about the prohibition [of aborting a pregnancy], she was deeply remorseful. So is there anything required of her?
Perfume and beautification when going out
O Shaykh Muhammad, what is your opinion regarding a woman going out to the market for a need, whilst she is in hijaab and not revealing anything, and that she does not go at a time when it is busy with men?
Men and women shaking hands with one another
Is it permissible for a man to shake the hand of a woman he is not a mahram for; bearing in mind [where we live] there are men who stand up out of respect and shake their hands?