Regarding the one who does not pray, and [yet] slaughters and sells meat; or the one about whom we do not know whether he prays or not, are we obliged to research or ask about him as to whether he prays or not?
Category: Scholars
Preventing wife from fasting voluntary fasts
Do I have the right to prevent my wife from fasting voluntary fasts such as the six [fasts] of Shawwaal? And would I be liable to sin if I did that?
Fasting the 13th, 14th and missed the 15th
I fasted two days of al-ayyaam al-beedh (13th, 14th and 15th of the lunar month) and was unable to fast the third day due to extenuating circumstances, so will I receive the reward for the two days [I did fast]?
Fasting every other day
Regarding the one who fasts every other day, is that correct?
Fasting the 13th, 14th and 15th of every Islaamic month
Regarding al-ayyaam al-beedh (13th, 14th and 15th of the lunar month), is it true that the Messenger fasted them when he was travelling as well as when he was back home, or is it something recommended only?
Fasting Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays every week
My habit is to fast Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays every week, so is there any harm in that?
Unable to make-up Ramadhaan fasts for four years
My wife, who is currently breast feeding, has three or four Ramadhaan’s worth of fasts to make up as she was unable to fast them because she was either pregnant or breastfeeding [at the time].
Unable to fast for three years due to pregnancy every year
For three years my wife has been giving birth at the beginning of the month of Ramadhaan and [as such] has not fasted three Ramadhaans. Advice us as to what is the expiation?
Whilst fasting, postpartum bleeding starts again
A woman who gave birth finds her postpartum bleeding has ceased within a week [of giving birth] and then purifies herself, thereafter she fasts alongside the rest of the Muslims in Ramadhaan for a number of days, but then her bleeding starts up again – should she then refrain from fasting in this condition?
Refraining from fasting during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding
When is it permissible for the pregnant and breastfeeding women to refrain from fasting in Ramadhaan?