When a man wants to rectify matters between two disputing parties, is he allowed to lie and swear an oath in the name of Allaah, bearing in mind his intention is only to make islaah – so is this permissible?
Category: Scholars
The recompense of knowingly swearing a false oath
I had a disagreement with a man, and we took the matter to court where he was asked to swear an oath [that he was telling the truth], but [in actual fact] he was lying. So what is the recompense for someone who swears an oath upon the Qur.aan based upon a lie?
The false oath
In the presence of my friends, sisters and teachers, I swear an oath based on a lie, whilst [at the same time] in my heart I seek forgiveness from Allaah by oft-repeating al-istighfaar – without anyone knowing about it; am I still sinful for doing so?
Swearing an oath based upon a lie
If someone swore an oath on a matter – knowing it to be a lie, and afterwards he said “I seek forgiveness from Allaah, and repent unto Him” – what is the ruling regarding that? And is he required to expiate [for that sin]?
The danger of satellite channels upon the ‘aqeedah
Something about which there is no doubt, is the danger emanating from satellite dishes; the worst of them being [the promotion of] shirk, magic and fortune telling.
Women doing the slaughter
Is a woman allowed to carry out the slaughter – whether that is of a bird or any other animal?
Communication between one another before marriage
What is the ruling regarding the fiancée conversing with her fiancé on the phone before marriage, with the intention of getting to know [his] thoughts and some of his manners and the like? And is this permissible if done with the knowledge (permission) of the walee (legal guardian)?
Facing the Qiblah whilst carrying out the slaughter
In the slaughterhouse, those who carry out the slaughter do not lie the sheep down completely facing the direction of the Qiblah, instead, they suffice with just bending its neck in the direction of the Qiblah; so is that sufficient O noble shaykh?
Slaughtering in other than the direction of the Qiblah
If someone intentionally carried out the slaughter in other than the direction of the Qiblah, can that slaughter[ed meat] be eaten? And what is the ruling regarding the slaughter carried out by a woman or a child?
Buying meat from a butcher who does not pray
Is it permissible or not to buy meat from a butcher who does not pray, and who deals with that which is haraam?