What are the causes of the hardening of the heart, and the cure for that?
Category: Scholars
Freedom from the whisperings of Shaytaan
What is the [best] way to purify our actions for the Sake of Allaah Ta’aala – making it free of [any] arrogance, showing off or pride?
Hiding and protecting a criminal from justice
What is the ruling regarding the one who hides a criminal from justice or assists him to flee or disappear?
Fulfilling a vow by fasting on Friday
My sister undertook a vow to fast on Friday, so is it permissible for her to fulfil her vow or not? And if it is not permissible, is she then required to make an expiation?
Undertaking a vow whilst asleep
If someone undertakes a vow whilst asleep, is he required to fulfil that vow or not?
Undertaking vows and pledges
What is the ruling regarding undertaking a vow [or pledge] – is it haraam or halaal?
Son pays off his mother’s expiation
If my mother is required to make an expiation, is it permissible for me to do so on her behalf?
Feeding ten poor and needy Muslims from amongst the relatives
Regarding expiating for a broken oath, is it a condition that there [actually] be ten poor and needy [Muslims], and if he is unable to find any, then do relatives count?
Swearing an oath with stipulations
If someone swore an oath to do something today, and then [ended up] doing it after the day had passed, is he required to make an expiation?
Fasting three days in expiation for a broken oath
Should fasting the three days in expiation for a broken oath be done consecutively?