Reference: Fataawa Noor ‘alad-Darb – Question No.6259, Page 96, Volume 12 Question: How do good deeds wipe away sins? Is it [as simple as] the sins just go away and the [reward for] good deeds remain? Response: Yes, this is how Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) said [so]: {Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds}, soorah […]
Category: Scholars
He repented and returned back to Islaam
If a person who stopped praying repented, and then returned to [worshiping] his Lord – would he be required to verbalise the testimony of faith as well as having a wash (bath or shower)?
Made intention to commit a sin
A man made the intention to commit a sin, and at the same time made the intention that he would repent to Allaah after committing this sin; so will his repentance be accepted or not?
He stopped fasting and praying for a number of years
Whilst studying abroad, a man abandoned the prayer for a number of years, and he [also] stopped fasting for three years. When he returned back [home] to his country, he repented [to Allaah]; so should he make up the prayers and fasts [he has missed]?
He regularly prays at home
I am married to a very good man who treats me well, and together we have three children. However, he does not pray in the masjid, but regularly prays at home – whether or not he is busy.
Factors that aid in praying on time
What factors aid [the Muslim] to perform the prayers at their [legislated] times?
My children have stopped praying
What is the ruling regarding he who nurtures his children upon prayer from their age of understanding until they have attained 15 years of age, and thereafter these children do not obey their parents [and abandon the prayer]?
My brother does not pray
I have a brother who does not pray, and I have advised him to pray and explained to him that whoever abandons the prayer is a disbeliever. However, he does not accept my advice, yet continues to eat, drink and live with us – so what is the ruling [regarding that] in this situation?
My beautiful Qur.aan recitation
Sometimes, when I read the Qur.aan, I notice my voice is beautiful, and my recitation is good; so would this be considered to be self-amazement – which nullifies deeds?
Attaining genuine happiness
What is the appropriate treatment for [attaining] happiness, since I am living in extreme sadness; [please] guide me, and may you be rewarded?