In one of the circles [of knowledge] you responded to one of the questioner’s regarding a man who had dishonestly taken someone else’s money [or possession with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of it]…
Category: Scholars
Took items from the hospital back home with me
A sick woman spent a number of days in hospital. When she was discharged, she took with her about forty glass cups and other items, and was not aware of the ruling regarding this action of hers. She has since moved to a different area, so what is required of her?
He gave me back more money in change
A seller who makes a mistake in calculating [the total amount due] – unintentionally gives the buyer more or less change [than he is due]; [in this case] should he give [the buyer] the remainder [of the change] or [just] keep it?
Too embarrassed to return stolen property to its owner
I stole a shirt from the house of one of my friends, and [now] I feel very embarrassed to return it back to him. I am extremely sad at what I had done, so what should I do now?
Using haraam earnings for hajj, getting married or building a masjid
If a person had amassed immense wealth made up of trading in haraam, and then repented to Allaah [from that], is it then permissible for him to perform hajj using this wealth, or donate to charity from it, or [even] get married or build a masjid using it?
Don’t know exactly who I stole from
[Sometime ago] I stole about five car covers, and after I had repented [from doing so], I felt remorse about what I had done. I felt this remorse was of no benefit to me, so I began to wish for my hands to be cut-off! [So] before I do this, guide me [to that which is correct regarding my situation], and may Allaah reward you?
I stole money from him when I was young
[When I was young], on many occasions I took money from [the pocket of] someone’s clothing – whilst in his house; by Allaah, I do not know exactly how much money I took.
Ahmed wants to repent from backbiting Zayd
O noble Shaykh, what is your opinion regarding someone who repented to Allaah from backbiting, and then gave charity on behalf of everyone whom he had backbitten?
Benefits of seeking forgiveness
What are the religious and worldly benefits of istighfaar?
My mother treated me badly
[And all this was] over some petty matters, as I suspected she loved my older brother more than me, because she treated me badly.