Is it permissible to engage in the remembrance of Allaah whilst not in a state of wudhoo – such as [when uttering the] takbeer [الله أكبر], tahleel [لا إله إلا الله] and tahmeed [الحمد لله], as well as sending prayers and salutations upon the Messenger ﷺ?
Category: Scholars
Menstruating woman sending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to send prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ?
Settling debts
I have debts [amounting to] about 50,000 [Saudi] Riyals; so which supplication should be made to [aid the] fulfillment of the debts?
Beneficial knowledge and harmful knowledge
What does the [following] saying of the Messenger ﷺ mean: «اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عِلْمٍ لاَ يَنْفَعُ»?
Congregational supplication after the prayer
I am asking about the congregational supplication after the prayer, where the imaam supplicates and the rest [of the congregation] respond [by saying] ‘aameen’. [Does Allaah] respond to the supplication done in this manner?
Reciting Soorah al-Faatihah during the supplication
Is it permissible to recite soorah al-Faatihah whilst supplicating, or at the end of the supplication? And is that [considered to be] an innovation?
A mother supplicating against her children
What is the ruling regarding a mother supplicating against her children?
Supplicating for marriage to a particular young lady
Is it permissible for a person to supplicate for himself that he is blessed with marriage to a [particular] young lady – and [whilst supplicating] he mentions her name in his heart?
Supplicating for the openly immoral sinner
Is it permissible to supplicate for an openly immoral sinner (faasiq), who does not fulfill his religious obligations?
Supplicating for his father who died whilst having abandoned the prayer
Is it permissible for a son to supplicate for his father who has died whilst having abandoned the prayer?