If I am invited to attend a family party where a lot of reprehensible acts are taking place – should I speak out against them, or should I just leave the party?
Category: Scholars
Engaging in Da’wah activities
How should the Muslim engage in inviting [da’wah] to Islaam? And what is the best way to undertake da’wah [activities]?
Reading some ahaadeeth or tafseer of the Qur.aan after the ‘Asr prayer
In some of the masaajid, every day – particularly after the ‘Asr prayer, one of the brothers reads a number of ahaadeeth from the book “Riyaadh as-Saaliheen”; so is this practice [considered to be] an innovation?
Narrating fictitious stories
I narrate fictitious stories to children, and that is to encourage them to pray and be truthful, and all good things [in general]; so is this considered to be lies? [Bearing in mind] they are children, and are unaware, and don’t understand [these are fictitious stories].
Tasbeeh with the fingers
What is the ruling regarding using rosary (prayer) beads for tasbeeh?
Prayers and salutations on the Prophet on the night of jumu’ah
Is there anything [authentically] reported regarding sending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ on the night of jumu’ah?
Delaying uttering the words of remembrance specific to the morning
What is the ruling regarding delaying until 11am – [uttering] the [legislated] words of remembrance specific to the morning?
Uttering words of remembrance a hundred times
O noble Shaykh, I utter the words of remembrance of Allaah a hundred times, so is this form of remembrance something which has been legislated or not?
Listening to backbiting
What is the ruling regarding listening to backbiting?
Audibly uttering the words of remembrance
Is it a requirement that the words of remembrance are uttered audibly?