Who are the As.haab as-Suffah?
Category: Scholars
The difference between Ibn al-’Arabee and Ibn ‘Arabee
What is the difference between Ibn al-’Arabee [ابن العربي] and Ibn ‘Arabee [ابن عربي]?
Awaiting the Prophet’s arrival in Madeenah
How was the reception for the Messenger ﷺ when he migrated from Makkah to Madeenah? And who were the ones who accompanied the Messenger ﷺ [on this journey]?
The tree trunk yearning for his return
What is the story of the tree trunk by which the Messenger ﷺ used to deliver the khutbah, and when the Messenger ﷺ left it for a while, it began to make a sound yearning [for him to return]?
The pregnancy of Maryam (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa)
Regarding Maryam (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa), was her pregnancy like normal pregnancies of 9 months or what?
About the Ka’bah
When was the Ka’bah built, and who raised the foundations? And why was it named as such?
Accountant defrauding the company
I work for a private company in Saudi Arabia, and whilst at work I noticed the company accountant misappropriating company property by selling goods without issuing a receipt for the sale of these goods; so what am I required to do?
Does not know if such-and-such an act is reprehensible
When I see a reprehensible act, and I do not completely know the Islaamic ruling regarding it, then I do not say anything to the one doing it; so am I correct in doing this or not?
Attending a gathering where reprehensible acts are taking place
Is it prohibited for a person to remain in a place where reprehensible acts are taking place?
Sitting in gatherings where backbiting takes place
I often sit in the company of other women, and often is the case that there is backbiting in these gatherings. And I feel very agitated by this, and dislike it, however, I am unable to actually do anything about it; I can’t even leave the gathering.