What is the best thing a Muslim can do for his parents during their life?
Category: Scholars
Exercising to the sound of music
In our country, women get together in a sports gym and dance to the sound of drums, claiming this is for physical exercise. Is this activity permissible?
Interrupting the adhkaar after the prayer with the Sunnah prayer
Is it permissible to interrupt [the uttering of] the words of remembrance (adhkaar) which are uttered after the [obligatory] prayer by praying the Sunnah prayer?
Praying alongside the imaam
Whoever prays alongside to the right of the imaam, while there is space [in the row] behind him – is there any problem with that?
Muslims are bound by their contractual agreements
I have a restaurant and have employed a worker. I agreed with him that he would work for five hours every day.
The origin of the tashahhud
Some of them say the origin of the first [part of the] tashahhud is that when the Messenger ﷺ ascended to heaven, he began by extending the salaam to his Lord…
Delivering short sermons of advice and reminders
We are students of knowledge, and we go to some of the masaajid and deliver short sermons of advice about death and other matters.
No water to clean soiled clothing in preparation for prayer
If my clothing is soiled with an impurity, and I only have coffee and no water [to purify it with], should I purify my clothing with coffee?
Father died leaving behind debts
Our father died leaving behind many debts. He had a number of children – some of whom are poor, and others who are wealthy; so should the wealthy of his children pay off their father’s debts?
Rights of non-Muslim parents, siblings and relatives
Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) blessed me and my brothers to embrace the religion of Islaam; and [so] my question is: What are the rights of non-Muslim parents upon their Muslim children?