Other than [the act of] supplicating, which [other righteous] deeds can I do to honour my father after his death?
Category: Scholars
Honouring parents during their lifetime and thereafter
What is the best thing a child can do for his deceased parents?
Putting a stop to munkaraat
Is the presence of someone in a gathering where reprehensible acts are going on considered prohibited?
Backbiting and mocking others in a gathering
[I am] a woman who spends a lot of time in gatherings with [other] women, and a lot of the time in these gatherings there is backbiting and mockery [of others].
Attending a party hosted by my relatives
If I attended a party hosted by my relatives, and there are a lot of reprehensible acts [going on], bearing in mind my presence there is only because I was invited – should I speak out against these reprehensible acts, or should I [just] leave the party?
The message of Islaam is for everyone
During the Messenger’s ﷺ time, did Islaam reach Europe? If it did, then how did it reach them, and how did they react?
Sincere advice to relatives
He is in the habit of visiting his relatives, and these relatives have some [things of a] reprehensible [nature] in their homes such as a satellite dish.
Slaughtering a chicken
After slaughtering the chicken, there still appears to be life in the chicken as it is still moving – so is it permissible to immediately place it in a tank of boiling water, because that helps remove all its feathers? And is this chicken permissible [for us] to eat?
Sick and diseased animals
[Consider the situation where] some of the animals have been afflicted with an illness and are in severe pain, or they have an infectious disease, is it befitting that they should be killed or left [alone]?
Effacing pictures in books
Should the pictures [of humans and creatures] in books be effaced? And does marking [the picture with] a line across the neck suffice in alleviating the prohibition?