I have been married for 5 years [now], and [unfortunately] there is always [some sort of] quarrel in the family. I have a mother and young brothers for whom I am solely responsible – as I am the [only] one who works and financially supports them.
Category: Scholars
My wife seeks separate accommodation
I am experiencing a problem with my wife. Two years after my father passed away, I got married, and [after his death], it was I who had assumed the responsibility for my mother and infant brothers – and after Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) I have been the only provider for them.
Something special for my wife
I live [together] with my father, my mother, my wife and my brothers in one house, and sometimes I bring something specifically for my wife to eat – without my parents knowing [about it]. And privately together, my wife and I eat; so what is the ruling regarding that?
Calling the mother by her name
Is calling the mother by her name considered as [being] disobedient to her? And [what] if I have become used to this, and she is fine with that – so would this be permissible?
Seek your father’s permission
A young woman has a friend she has not seen for [a number of] years, and she wants to go and visit her, so is it permissible for her to go without her father’s permission?
Do not give more than a third of your wealth in charity
When I want to give in charity to my relatives and [those of] my friends who are in need – my mother opposes me in this, claiming that I am squandering my money without benefit, and that I should save my money for what will benefit me later.
My father takes all my salary
I am a young man who works, and I give my father my salary – even though my father always [verbally] abuses me, and accuses me of falling short in honouring him by hiding some of my salary and [instead] give it to my wife.
My father discourages me from going to the masjid
I am a youth of 16 years of age, and my father forbids me from praying [the congregational prayer] in the masjid, as well as the jumu’ah prayer.
Unable to regularly visit my father’s grave
My father died a long while ago, and he is [buried in a graveyard] far away from [where I live], and [as such] I am unable to visit him except after two or three years. So is it possible for me to honour him with anything, since I [live so] far away from him?
Supplicating for the deceased
[Please] guide me to good deeds which I can do so [their reward] reach my father, and may you be rewarded.