How should a mobile phone which has dropped into impure water be cleaned, since washing it [with pure water] will damage it?
Category: Scholars
Cleaning himself and his clothes from dog saliva
How should a person clean himself from the impurity [of the saliva] of a dog, if it licked his skin or clothes?
Do not marry your daughter to him
A man approached me to seek my daughter’s hand in marriage, and later it became apparent to me that he does not pray, so what should I do?
Doing wudhoo or sufficing with tayammum
If the time for prayer has arrived, and there was no pure water – just impure water, would it be permissible to purify myself with this impure water, or should I [suffice with] do[ing] tayammum?
Receiving money known to be from a prohibited source
If I was offered money [intended] to assist me, and I am aware that its source is haraam, would it be permissible for me to take it?
Maintaining ties of kinship despite relatives cutting off from him
I stopped speaking to my older brother for a period of years, and that was [only] to avoid problems – so what is the ruling regarding that? And is what I did correct?
Our elderly grandfather
We have an elderly grandfather who is particularly ill mannered. And we fear Allaah if we were to leave him to sit by himself, and yet if we sit with him, he is very obscene in his speech – something which is not befitting of someone of his age!
I don’t want to look after my mother any more
After what I have experienced of her for the last 14 years, I no longer want to be responsible for her.
Regularly visiting my parents
With my husband’s consent, I want to visit my parents, brothers and sisters who all live in Yemen, so if I find a mahram then this simplifies matters. So am I considered to be squandering my husband’s money by taking these visits every year?
Reconciling between my parents and my wife
How should a Muslim reconcile between keeping his parents and happy and hi wife happy?