What is the ruling regarding extending [the greeting of] as-salaam [‘alaykum] to the disbelievers, particularly if it is for the sake of da’wah?
Category: Scholars
Learning foreign languages
What is the ruling regarding learning foreign languages for the sake of da’wah?
Ignorant of the ruling related to wiping over the socks
A local man is ignorant of the ruling related to wiping over the socks, and [as a result] he used to wipe over the socks for a period of two complete days for a whole month. So what is the ruling regarding his prayers [during this period]?
Touching the private parts whilst in a state of wudhoo
I heard one of the scholars say that directly touching the bottom and the private parts does not invalidate the wudhoo, using as proof the hadeeth «it is just a part of you»?
Woke up and noticed a wet stain
Sometimes, when I wake up from sleep, I notice a wet stain, but do not know whether it is prostatic fluid or semen?
Garment is soiled with an impurity, but don’t know exactly where
If a garment is soiled with an impurity, and I do not know exactly where, am I obliged to completely wash the garment?
Suffering from incontinence
How should the one suffering from incontinence purify himself, if it is constantly dripping?
The difference between ‘prohibited’ and ‘not permissible’
Is there a difference between the saying of the scholars ‘this is prohibited ( حرام )’ or ‘this is not permissible’ ( لا يجوز )?
Touching a dog or a pig
Does the one who touches a dog or a pig with his hand required to renew his wudhoo, or should he suffice with washing his hand?
Using soap instead of soil or sand when purifying from dog’s saliva
Can soap be used as a substitute for soil [or sand] when purifying from the impurity of the dog[‘s saliva]?