A customer bought clothing in a shop, and after paying for it, he forgot to take them with him. A long time has now passed, and the customer has not returned to collect his purchased items, so what should the shopkeeper do with them?
Category: Scholars
Speaking to one another on the phone prior to marriage
If a man has proposed to a woman [by way of her walee], is it then permissible for him to speak to her on the telephone?
Entered the Hijr during the seventh circuit doing ‘umrah
A year ago, I performed ‘umrah, and during the seventh circuit [of the Ka’bah] I entered al-Hijr[1]. [After completing that circuit, and the ‘umrah], I then returned [home] to Riyadh, and thereafter I had sexual relations with my wife. So what am I [now] required to do?
Doubtful about wudhoo because of sound emanating from the stomach
Sometimes a person hears a sound emanating from the stomach, like the sound of passing wind; so is the wudhoo nullified by that?
Combining the prayers when she returns home from work
This woman is from Russia, and she has recently embraced Islaam. She says that she works amongst the disbelievers, and [as a result] she does not pray until [she returns home in] the evening, whereby she combines all of the prayers. So what is the ruling regarding her combing all her prayers?
Praying with complete submission and humility
When praying, some people do not do so with complete submission and humility, so does this [in any way] reduce their reward?
Missed prayers during the days he was unconscious
What is the preponderant opinion regarding the one who has been unconscious for more than three days; is he required to make up the prayers he has missed whilst he was unconscious?
Took socks off after making wudhoo
If someone was wearing socks, and wiped over them [whilst doing wudhoo], and later he took them off whilst being in the state of wudhoo – would it then be correct for him to pray [as he is]?
The best type of toothbrush
If I use a toothbrush with the intention that it be a substitute for using a miswaak, would this be considered a Sunnah?
Doing wudhoo and brushing the teeth with the miswaak
Is it [from] the Sunnah to brush the teeth with a miswaak before starting the wudhoo, or whilst doing so?