It has been narrated that you said the prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ during the second [part of the] khutbah is an innovation; so is this correct?
Category: Scholars
Taking a bath or shower on the day of Jumu’ah
What is the ruling of taking a bath [or shower] on the day of Jumu’ah, and when is it’s time?
No water to do wudhoo, nor sand to do tayammum
Sometimes I cannot find any water [to do wudhoo with], nor sand [or soil to do tayammum with], so what should I do when I want to pray?
Just had a bath, and too cold to go to masjid for Fajr
If the weather is cold, and a man in the state of janaabah (major sexual impurity) had [just] taken a bath [or shower], and [as such] he fears by going out for the Fajr prayer would be harmful for him, would he then be allowed to pray at home?
Using a condom
In pharmacies they sell condoms which are worn over the male genital, which allows him to engage in sexual relations with his wife to prevent a[ny possible] pregnancy. So if he uses a condom, is he [still] required to have a bath [or shower]?
Reading the Qur.aan in a state of janaabah
Is it prohibited to read the Qur.aan in a state of janaabah (major sexual impurity]?
In a state of janaabah, and wants to go to sleep
If a man or woman are in a state of janaabah at the time for bed, and they want to sleep, how should they utter the [words of] remembrance for sleep as it is comprised of verses [of the Qur.aan] and supplications?
Men wearing long stitched skirts as part of the ihraam
What is the ruling regarding [men] wearing what is referred to as a “long skirt” for ihraam – which is completely stitched all around?
Giving charity on behalf of my mother
Sometimes I give charity with the intention it is on behalf of my mother, so if I told her about it, would it be considered as showing off?
Concealing the identity of the one giving charity
Is it permissible for me to lie to the one I give charity to, by saying this charity is not from me, but from someone else?