What is the ruling regarding the menstruating woman touching the text of the Qur.aan which is stored on a mobile phone?
Category: Scholars
Very young children reading from the Qur.aan without wudhoo
Is it permissible for a small child to read from a copy of the Qur.aan without [being in a state of] wudhoo?
Pregnant woman experiences a discharge of blood
If a pregnant woman experiences a discharge of blood, is this considered to be from her menses?
Completed menses whilst on airplane
A woman completes her menses whilst she is travelling in an airplane. [So when she needs to pray], should she suffice with just wudhoo for the prayer?
When to engage in intercourse after menses
Reference: Sharh ‘Umdatil-Fiqh – Tape No.7, Question No.15 Question: If the menstruating woman completes her menses, but has not had a bath [or shower], is it permissible for her to engage in intercourse with her husband? Response: No. Do not oppose the command [of Allaah]: {And do not approach them until they are pure. And […]
Completed her menses during the day in Ramadhaan
If a woman [completes her menses and] purifies herself during the day in Ramadhaan, is she required to abstain [from food, drink and all that breaks the fast] for the remainder of the day?
Should she just pray the ‘Asr prayer, or Zhuhr as well?
If the menstruating woman [completes her menses and] purifies herself after the the time of ‘Asr has arrived, should she pray the Zhuhr and ‘Asr prayers, or is she just required to pray the ‘Asr prayer?
Does a little blood flow constitute menses?
A woman says, sometimes she experiences a little blood flow; is this to be considered as menses [blood]?
Pills to prevent onset of menses so she can engage in intercourse with her husband
Is it permissible for a woman to take medication to prevent the onset of her menses, so she can engage in intercourse with her husband?
Stipulation against the onset of menses when assuming the state of ihraam
A woman wants to perform ‘umrah, and fears the onset of her menses, so can she stipulate this when assuming the state of ihraam, thereby relieving herself of the responsibility of completing the ‘umrah when her menses begin?