[Whilst in prayer] some people raise their index finger when the imaam mentions the name of Allaah during his recitation; so is this [raising of the finger in this manner] legislated?
Category: Scholars
Buying a car to sell to my friend for profit
Is it permissible for me to buy a car for my friend, which he wants; so I [intend to] buy it outright for cash, and then sell it to him on a payment plan with profit [for myself]?
Reading the Qur.aan whilst on menses or in a state of major sexual impurity
Is it permissible for the menstruating woman and the one in the state of major sexual impurity to read the Qur.aan from memory without touching the Qur.aan?
Heading for Makkah, but not intending to do hajj or ‘umrah
What is the ruling regarding the one who heads out to Makkah, but does not intend to do hajj or ‘umrah, so is he required to assume the state of ihraam?
A copy of the Qur.aan on a mobile phone
What is the ruling regarding the menstruating woman touching the text of the Qur.aan which is stored on a mobile phone?
Very young children reading from the Qur.aan without wudhoo
Is it permissible for a small child to read from a copy of the Qur.aan without [being in a state of] wudhoo?
Pregnant woman experiences a discharge of blood
If a pregnant woman experiences a discharge of blood, is this considered to be from her menses?
Completed menses whilst on airplane
A woman completes her menses whilst she is travelling in an airplane. [So when she needs to pray], should she suffice with just wudhoo for the prayer?
When to engage in intercourse after menses
Reference: Sharh ‘Umdatil-Fiqh – Tape No.7, Question No.15 Question: If the menstruating woman completes her menses, but has not had a bath [or shower], is it permissible for her to engage in intercourse with her husband? Response: No. Do not oppose the command [of Allaah]: {And do not approach them until they are pure. And […]
Completed her menses during the day in Ramadhaan
If a woman [completes her menses and] purifies herself during the day in Ramadhaan, is she required to abstain [from food, drink and all that breaks the fast] for the remainder of the day?