If the doctor is of the opinion that the sick person should pray all his prayers sitting down, or seated on a chair, is he then permitted to do so? And will he attain reward [for doing so]?
Category: Scholars
Praying and fasting on behalf of the deceased
Is there any expiation for the one who has died whilst having prayers and fasts which he had not made up for? And what [form does this] expiation [take]?
Seeking knowledge by watching videos
[What is the ruling regarding] using teaching aids such as video to teach Islaamic subjects such as fiqh, tafseer, [the laws of] inheritance, and other such subjects?
Obedience to parents
To what extent is obedience to one’s parents [legislated]? And should it be at all times?
Prays when he wakes up
Whoever sleeps and misses the prayer, and thereafter prays after its time has passed – would it be accepted [from him]?
Don’t know if congregation are in last rak’ah or not
A man entered the masjid, and the imaam had just arisen from the rukoo’ [position], and [as such] he does not know whether it is the final rak’ah or not. The question is, should he join the imaam [in congregation], or should he wait so he can confirm for sure?
Stopped praying when she saw some blood
If a woman notices [some] blood, and thereby stops praying, would she then have to make-up the prayers she has missed if the [flow of] blood stops within that day?
Uttering “bismillaah” in the toilet when doing wudhoo
If someone wants to do wudhoo in the toilet – in the [same] place where he relieves himself, is it permissible for him to utter “bismillaah” [بسم الله] before doing wudhoo?
Watching cartoons which show magic and trickery
Is it permissible to watch cartoons which show magic, trickery and magic games?
Giving her a lift to university, along with his wife
I drop my wife off at university, and sometimes she has her friend with her, so is it permissible that I give her a lift together with my wife?