He is confused about buying a property by renting it, ending with ownership?
Category: Scholars
Could not afford to offer the ‘aqeeqah sacrifice
A year and a half ago Allaah blessed me with a child, but I did not offer the [‘aqeeqah] sacrifice because I could not afford to do so; so can I offer a sacrifice now?
Sufficing with an audio recording of the adhaan
In some of the masjids the adhaan is called using an audio recording; so is this act [something which is] legislated?
Selection criteria for the caller to prayer
When it comes to selecting a mu.adhdhin [to call the adhaan], should we look at how loud his call [to prayer] is, or how beautiful it is?
Wearing tight-fitting or see-through garments
If someone wears a garment which shows some parts of his body from underneath, such as his thighs and shoulders, is his prayer [in that garment] correct?
Repeating the wording of the iqaamah with the mu.adhdhin
Whilst the mu.adhdhin calls the iqaamah, should I repeat what he is saying?
Calling the adhaan whilst in a state of janaabah
If the caller to prayer (mu.adhdhin) is in a state of major ritual impurity (janaabah), is it permissible for him to enter the masjid so he can call the adhaan?
Young child calling the adhaan
Is it acceptable for a young child who is between 6 and 7 years old to call the adhaan?
Saying what the caller to prayer says
When the mu.adhdhin says «الصلاة خير من النوم» should the one who hears [the adhaan] say «لا حول و لا قوة إلاّ بالله» or what should he respond with?
Using a microphone for calling the adhaan
Whoever says that [using] the microphone suffices [the mu.adhdhin] from turning [the heard a little to the right and left] during the adhaan; is his opinion correct?