Is there a difference between the manner of the prayer of the men and the women?
Category: Scholars
From that which is strange in this time of ours
From that which is strange in these times [of ours today], is that between you and another is a relationship, the sincerity of which is built upon fond memories – the size of mountains!
Uttered in rukoo’ what he should say in sujood
Whoever says «سبحان ربي الأعلى» when in rukoo’ instead of «سبحان ربي العظيم» – or otherwise when in sujood, is he then required to perform the prostration of forgetfulness (sujood as-sahoo)?
What to utter upon rising from the rukoo’
Upon rising from the rukoo’, is it permissible for the one following the prayer [behind the imaam] to utter «رَبَّنَا وَ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ حَمْدًا كَثِيرًا طَيِّبًا مُبَارَكًا فِيهِ»?
Where to focus the eyes during the rukoo’
Whilst in prayer, where should one’s eyes be focused during the rukoo’?
Closing the eyes during the prayer
Whilst praying, is it permissible for him to close his eyes, because it helps him to concentrate more when doing so?
Sitting during the prayer without a genuine reason
Some people who are capable of standing [during the prayer, choose instead to] sit during the second rak’ah of the Fajr prayer until the imaam is about to bow [into rukoo’], so he bows along with the imaam. So is his prayer correct?
Take the best from every thing
Knowledge is more than what can be enumerated, so take the best from every thing.
Carrying a small child during prayer
What is the ruling regarding carrying an infant during the salaah, and particularly when it has soiled itself?
When the sins decrease
[Regarding] the heart, when it’s sins decrease, it’s tears will hasten.