What are the books of fiqh from which the lay-Muslim can benefit from?
Category: Scholars
Conveying the ‘salaam’ on behalf of another
If one of them requests that I convey their ‘salaam’ to someone I know, then am I obligated to do that?
Combining the prayers because of severe pains
She is asking about [the permissibility of] combining the zhuhr and ‘asr prayers because of severe pains?
Parents complain their children delay their prayers
In general, parents complain about their children delaying the prayer past its time?
Praise and gratitude towards Allaah
If the affairs of the leader are upright for you, then increase in praising Allaah and being grateful to Him [for this blessing].
Praying upon a prayer rug
When I visit one of my relatives, at the time of prayer they offer me a prayer rug to pray upon. So I pray [on it] – even though I do not like to do so, because I see [both] the young and the old praying on it, and [then] they put it on the floor in the children’s room. So is my prayer correct, or should I repeat it?
Ponder for a moment
Ponder [for a moment]. How many of your friends have passed away?
Strive hard in keeping away from the paths of Shaytaan
Strive hard in keeping away from the paths of Shaytaan and his misguidance…
Using a tasbeeh counter
Reference: http://mufti.af.org.sa/ar/content/التسبيح-بالأصابع-أكمل-وأفضل Question: I am asking about the [gadgets which are worn as] rings on the index finger – which have a number counter on them. The intention behind using them is to make use of the time by engaging in tasbeeh. So what is the Sharee’ah-based ruling regarding [using] it, and may Allaah reward […]
His heart is empty of the love of Allaah
So if you see a man whose taste and desire is for listening to verses [of poetry] rather than verses [of the Qur.aan], and for listening to music rather than the Qur.aan…