What is the ruling regarding women attending the taraaweeh [prayer]? And what is best [for them] in that regard?
Category: Scholars
People are of three types
Either he accepts the truth and adheres to it – then he is a wise person…
The origin of the Taraaweeh prayer
What has the taraaweeh [تراويح] prayer been named as such; what is the origin behind it?
On the occasion of the middle ten days of Ramadhaan
[O] noble Shaykh, what are your words [of advice] as we welcome the middle ten days of the blessed [month] of Ramadhaan?
From the etiquettes of fasting
We would like an explanation about some of the recommended etiquettes of fasting, so we can benefit [by putting them into practice].
Advice to the Muslim woman for Ramadhaan
The Muslim woman generally spends most of her time in the kitchen, busy preparing various types of food, so [as a result] she misses out on taking advantage of the time during the month of Ramadhaan [to increase in the worship of Allaah]. So do you have any advice for the Muslim woman [in this regard]?
Careless in making-up missed days of fasting
I was careless in making-up some of the days which I was required to fast from the previous [month of] Ramadhaan until the arrival of the following month [of Ramadhaan]; so what am I [now] required to do?
A serious and prolonged illness prevented him from fasting
A man died, leaving a son. He did not fast the month of Ramadhaan due to a legislated (acceptable) reason.
Even if his knowledge is a lot
The jurist (الفقيه) is one who fears Allaah, even if his knowledge is little.
He does not pray, but fasts during Ramadhaan
What is the ruling regarding the one who fasts [the month of] Ramadhaan, whilst he has abandoned the prayer?