Is the one who shaves his beard off sinful? Because I heard someone saying “the one who practices the Sunnah is rewarded, and the one who does not is not sinful.”
Category: Scholars
Made tayammum before time of Zhuhr arrived
Is it possible to pray an obligatory prayer with the [same] tayammum [which was done] for a voluntary prayer?
Reading religious books whilst on her menses
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to read religious books and booklets which have some Qur.aanic verses in them?
Reading from the Qur.aan (mus.haf) without wudhoo
Is it permissible for a person to read from the Qur.aan (mus.haf) without wudhoo?
Applied ointment and now need to do wudhoo
I use ointment which has no colour nor smell on various parts of my body, and when I wake up from sleep, I pray the morning prayer without washing those parts of my body where I have applied this ointment. So is there any harm [in that], or does [using this ointment] nullify the wudhoo?
Using skin and hair creams before doing wudhoo
Do skin creams and hair creams prevent water [touching the skin] during wudhoo? And if that is so, would that be for all creams, or [just] some types?
Forgot to utter “bismillaah” when making wudhoo
What should the Muslim say if he forgets to utter [بسم الله] when doing wudhoo, and then he remembers [not having done so] just before completing the wudhoo?
Uttering the Name of Allaah in the bathroom
At home, we have a toilet in the same room as the place (bathroom) where we do wudhoo, so should I utter the Name of Allaah inside the bathroom when making wudhoo or not?
How do I advise others when I myself err?!
A question which is oft-repeated by many!!
How much Qur.aan to read during Ramadhaan
How many parts of the Qur.aan can a Muslim read in a day during Ramadhaan?