We request you provide us with advice for those who travel out [of Saudi Arabia] to live with a non-Muslim family claiming this will hasten their learning of the English language?
Category: Scholars
Terminating the prayer
We see some people when they need to break [away from] their prayer [short] for some emergency, or to join [the congregation when] the imaam [is about to start the prayer], or if they have invalidated their prayer – they do the tasleem. So is this act [of theirs] correct, or will the intention [to terminate the prayer] suffice?
Respond in an ambiguous manner so as not to lie
If I am asked about something I know about, and I don’t want to disclose it, will I be sinful if I said “I don’t know”?
Stop hassling me about praying
My husband does not pray, and every time I advise him [about it], he says “in shaa.-Allaah I will pray”.
The pace at which time passes today
For indeed we find in the pace at which days pass that which we did not find during the time before this time of ours [today] – even if there was no comfort living [back] then..
No firm hadeeth exists
The scholars of hadeeth said “there is no hadeeth related to the [virtue of the night of] 15th of Sha’baan which is authentic.
Shaving the beard off is sinful
Is the one who shaves his beard off sinful? Because I heard someone saying “the one who practices the Sunnah is rewarded, and the one who does not is not sinful.”
Made tayammum before time of Zhuhr arrived
Is it possible to pray an obligatory prayer with the [same] tayammum [which was done] for a voluntary prayer?
Reading religious books whilst on her menses
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to read religious books and booklets which have some Qur.aanic verses in them?
Reading from the Qur.aan (mus.haf) without wudhoo
Is it permissible for a person to read from the Qur.aan (mus.haf) without wudhoo?