“Reveal that part (portion) of your body which can endure the fire of Hell.”
Category: Scholars
Seeking forgiveness and repentance
Whoever is characterised by this description – seeking forgiveness and repentance – [then] Allaah will make [it] easy for him [to attain] his sustenance, and facilitate his affairs, and protect his strength.
From the means which aid uprightness
Maintaining close ties with the scholars
Returning to the scholars for guidance
So by the permission of Allaah, by returning to the scholars [for guidance] there is salvation from the fitan.
Weigh the bags of rice used for Zakaatul-Fitr
Should the weight printed on bags of rice [or other staple foods intended for zakaatul-fitr] be relied upon, or should they be weighed again?
Free mixing and friendship between the two genders
What is the ruling regarding friendship between the two genders, bearing in mind it is with a righteous intention, and not [anything] bad?
Beware of leniency in this matter
Is it permissible for me to shake the hand of my wife’s sister, and to be alone with her or other than that? [It’s just] because I know [while I am married to her sister, then] she is prohibited to me.
The last third of the night
Is standing [during] the last third [of the night in prayer] best? [Please advise] with clarity of the time when the last third of the night is.
Living with a non-Muslim family
We request you provide us with advice for those who travel out [of Saudi Arabia] to live with a non-Muslim family claiming this will hasten their learning of the English language?
Terminating the prayer
We see some people when they need to break [away from] their prayer [short] for some emergency, or to join [the congregation when] the imaam [is about to start the prayer], or if they have invalidated their prayer – they do the tasleem. So is this act [of theirs] correct, or will the intention [to terminate the prayer] suffice?