We are all sinful, and we wash our hearts [of them] with the ‘soap’ of repentance.
Category: Scholars
I feel shy towards them
I have my parents with me, and i feel shy towards them [that i should engage in a phone call in their presence].
Tire your feet, and do not tire your tongue
Tire your feet, and do not tire your tongue.
Harsh in character with his family
Why do many people have an element of severity [in their character] towards their wife and their children…
Lazy people
The lazy ones are the most distressed, depressed and saddest of the people…
That which we have witnessed
And those of sound intellect should ponder at the [current] state of the world and reflect [on this].
At the service of the Prophet ﷺ
When observing the case of ‘Aa.ishah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa), it’s difficult [to comprehend] that she delayed making-up the [missed] fasts [of the previous Ramadhaan] until Sha’baan. So the question arises, did she not fast the voluntary fasts which were encouraged?
He would read 800 pages a day
He was extremely fond of knowledge, and would read extensively, such that when he was in his youth, he would read 800 pages a day, and read 2,000 volumes in the moonlight.
The best of fasts
How are we to understand the Prophet ﷺ encouraging ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr al-’Aas (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhu) with the fast of [Prophet] Daawood (‘alayhis-salaam), whilst he himself did not fast it despite it being the best of fasts?
Because oil was scarce at the time
Most of what Shaykh Ja’far al-‘Atamee read [in the seeking] of knowledge was by way of the moonlight, because oil was scarce at the time.