What is the ruling of [performing] hajj on behalf of both parents who have died without [themselves] having performed hajj?
Category: Scholars
Honouring your father
Whoever walks in front of his father, then he has disobeyed him, unless he walked [ahead] to remove [any] harm from his path.
The days are of two types
A ‘good’ day, so be thankful [to Allaah for it]…
You will regret the time that you have wasted
It is befitting for the student of knowledge to protect and preserve his time, because [sometime] in the future he will [reflect over this and] regret the time he has wasted.
We are all sinful
We are all sinful, and we wash our hearts [of them] with the ‘soap’ of repentance.
I feel shy towards them
I have my parents with me, and i feel shy towards them [that i should engage in a phone call in their presence].
Tire your feet, and do not tire your tongue
Tire your feet, and do not tire your tongue.
Harsh in character with his family
Why do many people have an element of severity [in their character] towards their wife and their children…
Lazy people
The lazy ones are the most distressed, depressed and saddest of the people…
That which we have witnessed
And those of sound intellect should ponder at the [current] state of the world and reflect [on this].