What is the ruling regarding a Muslim who had not fasted [during the month of Ramadhaan] for many years, despite carrying out the other obligatory acts of worship upon him?
Category: Scholars
Ignorant about obligation to fast
So in my first year of puberty I let Ramadhaan pass without fasting and this was without a valid Islaamic reason but, rather, out of ignorance about it’s obligation at that time.
In a state of janaabah and the time of Fajr has entered
What is the ruling, whilst fasting, of making the ritual purification (ghusl) from the major sexual impurity (janaabah) after the time of Fajr [has entered]?
Attacking the enemy by blowing oneself up
There are those who tie a magazine of explosives around their waist, then they enter a government or residential building or a gathering of people either disbelievers or other than them, then they blow themselves up…
Applying henna to the hair whilst fasting
Is it permissible to apply henna to the hair whilst fasting and praying because I have heard that henna breaks the fast?
Swimming or floating in water whilst fasting
What is the ruling concerning swimming or floating in water whilst fasting?
Swallowed water taking a bath, whilst fasting
A man who was fasting took a bath and due to the strong pressure of the water, he ended up swallowing some water without intending to. Does he have to make this fast up?
Kissing a woman who is eligible for marriage, whilst fasting
What is the ruling of the one who kisses a young woman, who is eligible for marriage to him, during Ramadhaan. Is it obligatory for him to make up the fast?
Bad Speech during the month of Ramadhaan
Does prohibited (haraam) speech during the day in Ramadhaan nullify the fast?
Giving false witness whilst fasting
Is the fast of one who gave false witness correct?