Does the lighting-up of masaajid and decorating them on special occasions have any basis in the Sharee’ah?
Category: Scholars
Made intention to fast 60 days, but postponed it until Winter
I made the intention to fast for 60 days, as expiation, and postponed it until the Winter. So, what if I die before the Winter?
Fasted without making the intention until later in the day
On the first night of Ramadhaan [preceding the first day of Ramadhaan], a person went to sleep before knowing that the next day will be the first day of fasting.
A Muslim fasted some days in Ramadhaan then died
If a Muslim fasted some days in Ramadhaan then died, is it upon the one in charge of his affairs [after his death] to complete [the rest of the days of Ramadhaan left] on his behalf?
The age a woman becomes Islaamically legally bound
A girl reached the age of 12 or 13 years and the blessed month of Ramadhaan passed without her having fasted. Is there any sin upon her or her family? Is it upon her to fast and if she doesn’t then is she sinning?
Virtues of feeding the fasting person
Some people hold banquets and give invitations in Ramadhaan making it a month of occasions. Others slaughter, and distribute the meat, in charity and make other types of effort with food. What is the ruling regarding this?
Social benefits of fasting
Does fasting have any social benefits?
Awoke, and half-asleep ate some food, then realised that Fajr had already started
So, at that time I stopped eating and began fasting. Knowing I had eaten three or four spoonfuls, do I have to make up this fast or not, O Shaykh?
Assumed the use of the miswaak had broken his fast
A man used the miswaak whilst fasting and then assumed that this had broken his fast, so [because of this], he drank and ate afterwards. So, is it obligatory upon him to make up this fast and offer an expiation or [is it sufficient] just to make up the fast?
Awoke, and half-asleep drank some water, but don’t remember at what time
I was half-asleep but, as for the actual act of drinking, then I am sure about that. So, do I make this fast up or not, O Shaykh?