What is the ruling regarding the conversation between a male and a female on the telephone whilst fasting. And [what] if they themselves are engaged to each other?
Category: Scholars
Not praying throughout the year until Ramadhaan
We notice some of the Muslims neglecting their prayers throughout the months of the year, and when Ramadhaan arrives they hasten to [perform] the prayers and the fasting and reciting the Qur.aan…
The fast of one who does not pray
We need to know the ruling about the fast of one who does not pray [the obligatory prayers]?
Celebrating the new millennium
What is the Sharee’ah ruling, in your opinion, regarding this matter? And how should the Muslims prepare themselves to welcome in the new millennium?
Year 2000 Millenium celebrations
So what is the Sharee’ah ruling concerning that which some of the Muslims are doing by taking part in this celebration, even if it is out of courtesy towards the Christians?
Fasting 3 days and nights in substitute for the 30 days of Ramadhaan
Is it possible for a person to fast three days and nights in Ramadhaan, such that this becomes a substitute for [the] thirty days [of Ramadhaan]?
The one who does not fast
Is the one who does not fast, even though he is not ill or anything, become a disbeliever, despite performing his [obligatory] prayers?
The different categories in fasting
I have heard there are [different] categories in fasting, what is the truth of this statement? And is there a specific reward for each?
The conditions of i’tikaaf
What are the conditions of i’tikaaf, and is fasting one of them? Is it permissible for the person in i’tikaaf to visit a sick person, answer an invitation, fulfil some of his family’s needs, or go to work?
The good and desired actions for Ramadhaan
What are the good and desired actions [specified] for the blessed month of Ramadhaan?