I dispatched the Zakaatul-Fitr, specifically pertaining to myself, to my family so that they can discharge it in my country. Is this action correct?
Category: Scholars
Drinking tea and coffee in-between the night prayer
What is the ruling regarding drinking tea or coffee after the two units (rak’atayn) of the night prayer?
I’tikaaf restricted to Ramadhaan only
Does i’tikaaf have a fixed time or is it restricted to Ramadhaan, or is it permissible in other than Ramadhaan?
Completing the taraaweeh prayer or accompanying the janaazah
Which of the two is better: Completing the taraaweeh prayer or accompanying the janaazah (the burial)?
Forgetting to discharge the Zakaatul-Fitr
What is the ruling regarding the one who had not discharged the Zakaatul-Fitr until during the [‘Eed] khutbah after the ‘Eed prayer, and that is because he had forgotten?
Women going out for the ‘Eed al-Fitr prayer
Is it permissible for the woman to go out for the ‘Eed al-Fitr prayer?
That which is recommended for the day of ‘Eed al-Fitr
What is recommended for us to do on the day of ‘Eed al-Fitr?
About Zakaatul-Fitr
Is Zakaatul-Fitr obligatory or [just] recommended? And upon whom is it obligatory?
About i’tikaaf
What is the ruling of i’tikaaf, and is it permissible to do it in other than the masaajid (plural of masjid)?
Denying the obligation of Zakaatul-Fitr
What is the ruling for denying Zakaatul-Fitr and how is the denier to be dealt with?