Is the fasting of the six days a must after the month of Ramadhaan immediately after the day of ‘Eed, or is it permissible [to do so] after ‘Eed by [a number of] days in the month of Shawwaal or not?
Category: Scholars
What to do when ‘Eed coincides with Friday-2
If any of the two ‘Eeds fall on a Friday (Jumu’ah), do you pray the Jumu’ah [prayer] with its khutbah on that day or not?
She must abstain from all that breaks the fast for the rest of the day
If a woman purifies herself after having ended her menses during the day, then must she abstain from all that breaks the fast for the rest of the day?
Distinguishing a particular night with worship
Some people seek Laylatul-Qadar so they active by offering their prayers and other forms of worship whilst they do not do likewise on other nights in Ramadhaan, so is this in accordance with that which is correct?
What to do when ‘Eed coincides with Friday-1
…he gave a fatwa that the Jumu’ah and Zuhr prayer are “dropped” (not obligatory) if one attended the ‘Eed prayer whether it is the imaam or [any of] the congregation,…
The signs of Laylatul-Qadar
What are the signs of Laylatul-Qadar?
Voluntary prayers, tawaaf and reciting the Qur.aan
In al-Masjid al-Haraam (Makkah) during Ramadhaan, which is better to perform: voluntary prayers, tawaaf or reciting the Qur.aan?
Cutting hair and trimming nails whilst fasting
Does cutting the hair and trimming the nails during the day in Ramadhaan break the fast?
Standing the night in prayer
Is standing the night in prayer done only in Ramadhaan or on every night of the year? And from which time does it begin and which time does it end?
Fasting the six days of Shawwaal
Is the fasting of six days of Shawwaal a must, such that the reward of the fast of Ramadhaan is incomplete until one follows it up with these six days?