If someone passed the meeqaat, uttering the talbiyah for Hajj and ‘Umrah without condition and then he is detained on account of illness and the like, which stops him from completing his rites, what should he do?
Category: Scholars
Profits from selling shares in interest-based company
So, is it permissible for me to take this money as it is [if I sell my share], knowing that the shares in Riyad Bank were bought without our knowledge all this time?
Having shares in companies and banks
What is the ruling about having shares in companies and banks’?
Selling trousers and under garments for non-Muslims
Is it permissible for a Muslim to sell trousers and under garments for non-Muslim women?
Having shares in the Saudi-American Bank
Advise us, may Allaah increase you in knowledge, about the ruling of having shares in the Saudi-American Bank. Is it ribaa, since it trades in interest and is based upon interest, as we know?
Having shares in the Islaamic Bank
And that which we have understood is that the bank in question does not trade in ribaa and that the money from the sale of the shares will be used in trading activities which are free from any dealings in interest.
Women engaging in trade
What is the ruling regarding a woman who trades (i.e. goes into business), whilst either in travel or residence?
Celebrating the year 2000 millennium and related issues
What is the Islaamic ruling on glorifying this occasion and celebrating it and exchanging congratulations for it either verbally or by exchanging cards and the like?
Advice to a daa’iyah (female caller to Islaam)
I hope to be a daa’iyah, so what is your advice to me?
Employee of a bank wishes to perform Hajj using his earnings
I am an employee at a bank, so is it permissible for me to perform Hajj from my earnings?