What is the ruling regarding making a long supplication behind the maqaam Ibraaheem?
Category: Scholars
Entering al-Masjid al-Haraam through a particular door, and the supplication upon seeing the Ka’bah
What are the mistakes some pilgrims commit when entering al-Masjid al-Haraam?
Giving Zakaah to the needy in Chechnya
What is the ruling on giving charities and zakaah to the Muslims there and helping them with body (physically) and wealth?
Wishes to change the intention for the Hajj whilst in ‘Arafah
A man made the intention to perform the Hajj for himself, whilst he has previously made the Hajj. Then he decided to change his intention for his relative whilst in ‘Arafah. So what is the ruling regarding this and is it permissible?
Had wet dream whilst asleep in Minaa
I performed the obligatory Hajj and one night, while I was in Minaa, I had a wet dream and was unable to make the ghusl. So, is there anything required of me?
Sending a maid for Hajj with a group of women or a Hajj package group
Is it permissible for me to send my maid for the obligatory Hajj with a group of women travelling with a Hajj package group [company specialising in transporting the Hajj pilgrims]?
Not knowing exactly when to enter state of ihraam whilst in an airplane
A man wanted to perform the Hajj or ‘Umrah and put on the ihraam clothing on the airplane. Then he did not know the place of the meeqaat, so should he delay entering the state of ihraam once he reaches Jeddah or not?
Mother performed Hajj with other than her mahram
My mother performed the Hajj with other than her mahram while she was over 60 years of age. Is her Hajj correct or should I [re-] perform the Hajj on her behalf, knowing that she has now died?
Made tawaaf al-wadaa’ but unable to depart from Makkah right after
A man performed the Hajj and made the tawaaf al-wadaa’ at night but was unable to leave Makkah after the tawaaf so remained in Makkah until the morning. Then he travelled. What is the ruling?
Doing the tawaaf al-ifaadhah after the day of ‘Eed al-Adhaa
A man heard that it is permissible to do the sa’ee before doing the tawaaf [al-ifaadhah], so he did the sa’ee then made the tawaaf [al-ifaadhah] on the 12th or 13th day [of Dhul-Hijjah].